
Friday, September 24, 2010

Short and Sharp

Workout of the Day

WOD 1 – AM:

Deadlift and Strict Press 3, 3, 3+

Good Morning 10, 10, 10

Chin ups 10, 10, 10

Abmat situps (10 kg) 10, 10, 10, 10

Ring dips 10, 10, 10, 10

WOD 2 – PM:

3 rounds for time

5 muscle ups

10 kb swings (32 kg)

20 rope slams

Big day that started early. 6am start to get the heavy lifting in before things got rolling and then a late afternoon link up with John and Jake in the park to cap it off. Hell of a training day.

The deadlifts and presses went well, nothing spectacular. I got a tough 5 reps at 405 lbs and then did a single press at 185 lb before getting pinned. A little ambitious on that set. The afternoon WOD was great though. Minus the fact that we got kicked out of the first park we were at, things went off without a hitch. It was a sprint of a workout that really tested our ability to stay coordinated at maximal heartrate. The rope slams are no joke. By the last set I felt like I needed to jump to lift my arms. I finished in 4:12, John at 5:00, and Jake at 5:30. The video link is below.

For those of you out there still holding onto Public Transportation videos, get them to me ( so I can get them up on the site for others to see.


  1. Great video and even better workout. A question,how long is that rope? I was thinking of picking up some things to help in my outdoor workouts (rings, ropes, kettles) and the length you have there looks perfect. Thanks. BTW, I forwarded your post from yesterday to a bunch of friends and even my mother who is a cancer survivor and she loved it. She sent it to all her friends in her support group. Good stuff brother.

  2. hey dante, the rope i have is about 50 feet. my best advice is to go on ebay and look on there. some great deals where you can pay by the foot. look for manilla rope.

    and thanks for forwarding the post to your friends and family, i'm glad they liked it.
