Day 4
Day 4 began with a 20 minute yoga session, courtesy of
Kimberly Wilson. Everyone was
still feeling the effects of the first few days so we thought a good stretch
was the right call before hopping in the bus for the 3 hours it would take to
arrive in Split. Considering there
were quite a few among us who had never done yoga before, this went
surprisingly well. Sun
salutations, flipping your dog, a few warrior poses thrown in… and the group
was feeling good and limber heading back on the road.
Our final destination for the day was Bol, a city on the
island of Brac. In order to get
there we needed to hop on a ferry in Split (2nd largest city in
Croatia) and ride it across the channel.
This gave us a little downtime in Split to walk around the harbor and
explore the local vibe. While
definitely more industrial than Ljubljana, Split still felt relatively
warm. The locals there were not
stand offish or rude, but seemed to welcome the tourist element as part of life
there. I took this opportunity to
purchase some water shoes from a street vendor. As a small group of us were negotiating prices on the shoes,
we were observed by another portion of our group. This got them thinking that maybe they too should get some
water shoes. After all, maybe I
knew something they didn’t know…
Time would tell they were right.

Sven and I teamed up for this one and found a rock that
loosely resembled the “Africa Stone” that they used to use in World’s Strongest
Man. I found that gripping this
thing was the biggest challenge of the workout. Perhaps that’s the point of training this way: discovering
the unintended obstacle. We broke
the sets up in 10’s and 11’s the first time through, 10’s and 5’s the second
time through, and 9’s for the final.
There was no real “easy part” here, other than the rest you got while
the other guy did deadlifts. Even
spotting the handstand pushups was tough because your shoulders were already
tired from doing them yourself.
As everyone was finishing it was evident how much people
enjoyed the workout from the huge smiles on their faces. Before leaving we gathered up the
stones and built them into a large monument with the letters “AWF 2013” in front
of it. We even found a chunk of an
old column to balance on top.
Once down into Bol and all checked in to our apartments, we
rented bikes for the group and set them loose on the town. 2 hours to ride and explore before
reconvening for dinner. Some rode
all the way to neighboring towns, others hit the beach for some beers. Denny, Kim, Uyen, Chris, Jenn, and I
made our way to a secluded camp spot with a large island dock and took turns
jumping off into the sea. It was
our first taste of the Adriatic and it was amazing! The water is extremely salty, but so clear and blue that you
can literally see to the bottom without goggles. I would later decide that the reason for the saltiness is
the types of rocks that line the coast here. They are nearly porous from the erosion into the sea, making
the water extremely dense with minerals like magnesium. The benefit of this to the swimmer is
that soaking in these waters is nearly the same as taking an Epsom Salt
Once back with the group we took dinner at a place right on
the harbor, where we ate skewered chicken and two types of Mediterranean
sausage. Again, amazing. The food here has been incredible. I will miss it when we’ve gone. Before
heading to bed on Day 4, we set the stage for Day 5 by telling everyone only
that we would be out from 8:30 am until after 5:00 pm. What we’d be doing for those 8+ hours,
remained a mystery.
Thanks for sharing.I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and hopeful that you will write many more posts like this one.