Saturday, December 12, 2009

Friday's WOD

Establish a 1RM Overhead Press 20 minute AMRAP hanging obstacle course, 20 walking lunge, 20 GHD situps Today we did heavy OH press as an evaluation of progress. I finished with a best press of 175lb and juuuust missed 180lb. This means I improves by 2 lbs from the last time I tried this a few months ago. The real interesting part of this workout came afterwards. We used the state of the art SteelFit Strength grid that the new Balance installed for their crossfit studio to create an elevated obstacle course. This was AMAZING!! Imagine 10 foot high I-beams, horizontal ladders, spoked handle bars, etc. Killer on the grip and arms, but just so much fun to do. The walking lunges were fine and the GHD's got very tiresome by the end, but the center piece of this routine was definitely the climbing. In total I wound up doing 8 rds plus 15 GHDs, so I'm expecting some trunk soreness. I trained with Mark and Josh, Josh took video so I will post that when its up.


  1. jungle gym? sick. glad to see you managed to get your shirt off. i was worried for a minute.

  2. I like it! Glad you are having a great time in D.C. with the ol' gang. Say hi to Mark.

  3. You guys made the Steelfit Strength Grid look like child's play; NICE!
