Workout of the Day
WOD 1 – in the afternoon… Split Jerks 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 Every minute on the minute complete 7 push press @ 135#. 10 minute cap. 2 x 10 back extension
WOD 2 – in the evening… 3 minute time cap: 100 meter truck push 20 sledge hammer swings (16#) AMRAP kb swings (32 kg) Rest as needed, complete 2 rounds.
After a great day of learning at San Francisco CrossFit yesterday, today had to be a light volume day. I skipped the morning skill session to account for the hours of skill practice with Carl yesterday and went right to jerk singles in the afternoon. Things felt pretty rusty early on, but by the end of the session I had nailed a new PR at 319#. My final lift actually felt better than the previous 3, an encouraging sign that with a little fresher legs I could up this number even more.
For conditioning Jay and I worked a 3 minute interval of truck push, sledge swings, and kb swings with the 32 kg. The idea was to challenge my lactate threshold during a fast movement like kb swings when already fatigued. Pushing the truck blew up my legs, as per usual, and the sledge swings elevated the heart rate even more so that by the time I got to the kettlebell it really, really hurt. I managed 31 reps the first round and 26 the second. If anyone tries this, be sure to rest well between rounds to give yourself a realistic shot for a decent second round.