Thursday, April 26, 2012

Phillipino "Helen"

I got this message from Greg Whiteley (a member at my gym) this morning and had to share:

3 rounds for time:

400 Meter Swim (w/mask)
12 Pullups on tri-boat
15 anchor swings

My time:  6 hours and 13 minutes (adjusted for island time)

So Badass.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to drop a line. I hop on your site often and enjoy reading your training blog because its soo different than most games competitors. I thoroughly enjoy your view of enjoying fitness in as many different settings as possible, as well as your programing (which obviously works). It seems as if you're not following a plan, rather just going with the day to day flow and havin hella fun doing it. I definitely borrow some of your ideas for myself, as well as for the programming for my gym sometimes. I'm pullin for you in the games. Keep up the good shit.

    Korey Akers
