Sunday, June 24, 2012

Deficit Deadlifts and Games athletes on Hermosa Pier

Photo: Doing work!

Workout of the Day
WOD 1 – in the morning…
Ring Swings with full extension
(approximately 100 reps)
WOD 2 – later in the morning…
Deficit deadlifts 5, 5, 5, 10 x 1
5 x :20 hanging tuck holds
WOD 3 – in the afternoon…
For time:
5 handstand pushups
10 muscle ups
15 clean and jerks (135#)
20 pistol squats
30 kettlebell swings (24 kg)
I found myself in Hermosa Beach today with a collection of CrossFit’s finest in a “beat the streets” type event sponsored by Reebok.  The idea was to put on a series of workouts that the public and local affiliates could participate in while trying to spread the word about fitness and the sport.  This turned out to be a total blast and a huge success.  During the course of the day, somewhere upwards of 150 people took part in the team workouts that we prepared and easily another 1000 were onhand to watch.  Big thanks to Reebok for putting it on and to the people of Hermosa Pier for being so welcoming.
In between events I was able to do some work of my own with the other coaches.  The ring swings are getting smoother every time I practice them, so I’m expecting to be able to progress this skill into something a little more substantial soon.  The deficit deadlifts were pretty brutal.  Jared Davis and I tackled 365# while standing on a 45# bumper plate, about 4 inches of lift.  I loved how quickly the body adapted to it’s new required range of motion.  After the first few sets I was barely noticing the difference between the new distance and the old.  That is, until I walked away and started to cool down.  Holy shit did it tax everything on the back side of my body.  Jared and I were walking around smoked for the next 2 hours.
Finally, as the day wrapped up a big group of us including me, Jared and Joe, Becca Voight, and Libby Dibiase did the above chipper as a sort of exhibition of additional movements for the crowd.  Nothing was terribly difficult about it, but my grip was definitely giving out by the kettlebell swings.  I finished it in 3:23, only having to break once (during the c & j). 
All in all today was a blast.  Looking forward to more events like this in the future.  Also, I attached the video from the horizontal rope climb and submersion burpee WOD earlier this week.  Check it out below.

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