Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back at it

Workout of the Day

AM - WOD 1: Power Snatch 3, 3, 3 Front Squat 3, 3, 3 + 1 Jerk each

PM – WOD 2: 20 minute AMRAP 2 rope climb (18 ft) 20 GHD situps 40 double unders

First day back on the job after a week off at the beach. I actually had originally planned to wait until Monday back in Sacramento, but as I was interning today with the CrossFit training staff at the Level I cert in Rancho Santa Margarita, the atmosphere demanded an early start. Admittedly, I was still feeling a little undoordinated and lethargic, but things went okay considering. I finished the snatches at 195 lbs and had zero misses. The front squats I topped out at 275 lbs but missed the jerk. Got a little lazy and let it slip forward on my shoulders during the dip.

The afternoon WOD was a different animal entirely. The cert had ended and everyone cleared out, leaving me the space to myself. So Jimmy cranked the music, turned on the clock, and let me loose. The first few rounds flew by as the climbs, GHDs, and double unders all felt easy. During the fourth set, though, things started to catch up, especially on the GHDs. I began breaking them in 2 x 10, then 10, 5, 5. I was also taking more time between climbs to ensure I wouldn´t fail out near the top—which I never did. I ended up finishing 7 rounds plus 2 climbs and 6 GHDs. As I write this I can already feel the impending pain 146 GHD situps is sure to impart...

Overall it felt great to get back on the horse. I feel rested, motivated, and ready for the next step. Having a few beers with Sven tonight and getting back after things in the morning. Post games life is nice.

1 comment:

  1. ha! nice pic. run right over here so i can make sure your pistols meet MY standards. do we know who this guy is?
