WOD 1 - in the afternoon...
1/4 mile sled push
Box Squat singles up to 425#
Deadlift triples up to 435#
3 rounds:
12 strict toes to bar
12 seated rows
12 reverse hypers
WOD 2 - in the evening...
Team "Diane"
20 partner deadlift (455#)
20 partner deadlift (315#)
20 partner deadlift (455#)
20 partner deadlift (315#)
PR'd on box squat today!!! I've never really felt strong squatting to a box, but today for some reason I was able to make it happen. I was the only crossfitter to make it out to Super Training to lift with Mark Bell today, but maybe that was a good thing. Staying focused and moving quickly between sets suits my style of training. Sometimes waiting around too much in between gives your brain a chance to get in the way of what your body knows it can do.
Afterwards we headed to the deadlift bar to do some pulls for speed off the ground. Honestly, these felt light as well. The last set of 435# I only did 2 because my back started to round, but overall I was able to move the weight fast off the deck.
The reason I didn't want to push things on the triples was because I knew the team was getting together to do more partner deadlifts later this evening. A replay of last years Regional WOD, team "Diane" is a cool combination of teamwork, speed, skill, and strength. It's designed for 2 men and two women in an alternating fashion. The men start out deadlifting 455# as a team for 20 reps, then go immediately into 20 HSPU. Then the girls come to the bar, strip the weight down to 315# and do their deadlifts and HSPU. Then it's the guys turn again, this time starting with HSPU and finishing with deadlifts. Finally, the girls come back and do the same. Denny, myself, Jenn, and Stef did the workout start to finish in 6:59. This time would've been good enough for 18th at last years NorCal Regional. Decent time, but definitely one that could be improved with practice. And from here on out, that's going to be the name of the game for the crossfit anywhere team. As much as I hate the idea of knowing the workout ahead of time and dedicating training to those specific WODs, it's the only way we have a chance to be competitive with the 30 other teams practicing every day.
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