Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Deadlift Day

Workout of the Day

WOD 1 – In the morning

Deadlift 5, 5, 5+

Good Mornings 10, 10, 10

3 rounds with 1 minute rest:

10 chinups

20 hand release pushup

3 rounds no rest:

10 ring dips

AMRAP medball Russian twists

WOD 2 – In the afternoon (wearing 20 lb vest)

3 rounds w/ 2 minute rest for total repetitions:

1 minute rope climbs (18 feet)

1 minute air squats

1 minute rope climb

1 minute air squats

Big workload today. Loved it. In reality yesterday’s WOD and everything today all came in a single 24 hour window, so I have to be happy with how well my body maintained energy levels. I will be resting tomorrow—massage time baby.

The deadlifts I topped out at 385 for 7 and the good mornings I did all three sets at 176 lb (new high). Felt good all morning and really liked finishing off the workout with the two mini couplets. Local muscle fatigue is something I don’t test enough so this will become a habit from now on.

This afternoon John and I went back behind Del Campo and found a great tree to tie the rope. We alternated between each exercise while letting the clock run… I finished with 11 rope climbs (3, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1) and he got 9 ½; and I managed 260 squats but have no idea the splits for each set. Every one was somewhere in the 45 neighborhood. It’s easy to forget that weight vest is on you, boy. Then you look up and realize that’s a big part of the reason things feel so damn hard. But until you do, you expect your body to perform to it’s unweighted level and thus don’t allow it any excuses for not doing so. Interesting dynamic.

Day off tomorrow then hoping to take on a Bystander WOD Thursday for the November challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Blair, what is this about you owning a CF box? I just happened upon it in your CFJ article. Care to enlighten us? Keep it up.
