Workout of the Day
Zercher Squats w/ partner 3 x 10
Good Mornings w/ partner 3 x 10
Team Relay:
Bear crawl
Broad jump
Left foot jump
Right foot jump
Back peddle
Reverse bear crawl
Reverse broad jump
Reverse left foot jump
Reverse right foot jump
(authorized rest positions: plank, bottom of squat, leg
The morning of day 3 everyone was still buzzing from the
night before. But between the
soccer match and Matt’s birthday celebration, there was some alcohol to be
sweated out. We took to a different
park in the city to attempt some lifting using partners as resistance. I’d never done zercher squats or good
mornings with a person before… challenging on both parts. If the person being carried really hold
on tight the zercher squats actually feel pretty comfortable balance-wise. Imagine a husband carrying his wife
then squatting her 10 times and you’ll get the picture. Then imagine his bride is a 100 kg Englishman
and you’ll be in my shoes.

We followed it up with a bodyweight relay to finish things
off. The wrinkle in this relay was
that each leg required people to travel down 10 steps, around a bend, then back
up a different 10 steps. Our reasoning
for including the stairs was to increase the coordination demand during crawls
and jumps. It would also
necessarily slow people down and force the workout to last longer, giving us
the needed time in the heat to sweat out the toxins. This turned out to be really grueling! It kept getting hotter and hotter as
the workout wore on, and the jumping sets in particular were a real
challenge. Turns out nobody really
practices jumping backwards. Go
figure. During the authorized rest
periods (the time you were waiting for your teammates to finish their legs of
the relay) people were seeking out the shady areas to hold planks, squats, and
leg raises. By the end, all teams
were soaking wet and spread out across the grass.
With a great workout in our wake, the entire group headed
into San Telmo for the afternoon to enjoy one of the world’s biggest street
markets. To get there, we did what
every traveler must do—sample the local public transport system. After a short walk, the entire group
descended into the tunnels beneath the city and boarded the subway train for
the city center. I have to say I
was pretty impressed with the condition everything was in. Even though everything here is
exceedingly hot, the air in the tunnel wasn’t uncomfortable. The system was easy to understand so
any fears of getting lost and popping up somewhere in the slums of Buenos Aires
were quickly put to rest.
San Telmo is Buenos Aires “old district,” and used to be
home to the city’s elite. While
most of the wealth has moved into La Recoletta, San Telmo still retains the
history and charm of the old days, not to mention a market that stretches for
miles. No joke, we started walking
from La Casa Rosada (Argentina’s equivalent of the white house, only pink) and
didn’t stop for an hour. There was
live music, fresh barbeque, and more fedoras, sunglasses, and knives than I’ve
ever seen in one place. The demand
for these items must be abnormally high in Buenos Aires because every third or
fourth merchant was peddling them.
As in any foreign country, it was a cool and authentic experience to
walk amongst and negotiate with some locals.
The original plan had us going back to Tuluka for a skill
session in the evening, but by the time we got back from San Telmo I could tell
everyone was pretty exhausted.
Instead, we went out to dinner just around the corner from our hotel and
walked about Palermo for a few drinks before calling it a night. I have to say that of all the areas we
have explored in the city to this point, Palermo has the most appealing
character for me. It is covered by
a canopy of tall trees, offering shade on almost every street. There seems to be restaurants and bars
at every corner, but not in the often obnoxious manner you’d expect from a city
this size. Places appear quaint
and inviting, rather than loud and repellant. Something about the architecture and greenery give this
neighborhood an urban/tropical feel, similar to areas of New Orleans. In short, I love it here and will be
sad to leave in the morning.
Although I’m excited to explore more of Argentina, I know that we could
spend all 10 days in Buenos Aires and still only have scratched the
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