1 mile run
10 minutes practicing plow transitions
Hang Snatch + Full Snatch 10 x 1
20 back squats (235#) + 20 overhead squats (175#) for time
30 perfect hang cleans @ 205#
Snuck this session in on a Sunday before Father's Day, mostly to practice snatches. After not feeling great last week, I was pretty solid today. Made it up to 225# and successfully hang snatched it three times, only to miss all three of the full snatches that followed. All of these sets were done without a reset, so tap and go from hang to full. I found that this really encouraged me not to think about the lift and just explode with everything I had.
The squats felt equally good, if not better. I added 10# from last week and did it 10 seconds faster... go figure. All 40 reps in 2:49. More of the same on the hang cleans. Instead of sets of 4, I did sets of 5 and felt like the weight was flying up. Going to add weight to 215# next week and hopefully keep getting stronger.
Only one rest day before heading back down to Super Training, better be a good one.
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