10 minutes to establish 1 RM Snatch
Rest 5 minutes
10 minutes to establish 1 RM Clean and Jerk
Rest 5 minutes
10 minute AMRAP
6 squat clean (125 lb)
12 pullups
24 double unders
Wednesday WOD
Deadlift 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
Strict Press 3, 3, 1, 1, 1
I rolled off the Bolt Bus right around 1 oclock in New York and was greeted by my boy Jason Mulligan just after. Great to see his mug again. We hopped on the Long Island Railroad out to his folks place, dropped our gear and headed over to CrossFit Southshore to connect with owners Doug and Tara for a workout. In honor of the upcoming USAW/CrossFit challenge in Colorado, they had prepared the above for the class. Because this is all crammed into one session the marks probably aren’t the best for comparison to what will happen this weekend, but it was pretty cool to be able to give it a shot.

Travelling light as I was I didn’t have the most appropriate footwear—ended up doing the night’s work in just my Van’s slip-ons. No big but the snatches were pretty rusty. I got 185 easy, then missed 205 twice before hitting it. That only left me a minute to try 225, my previous PR, and I didn’t hit it. Bummer.
5 minutes later I was going after the clean and jerks. 225 for the first, 245 for the second, both felt light. My third I got 275 with a great pull and a tight jerk, definitely the best lift of my day and matched my previous best. I had enough time to try but it wasn’t even close.
The cleans got me feeling better about things overall so I ran headlong into the metcon with no hesitation. Knocked out the first 2 rounds without breaking anything and a time of around 1:40. 3rd set slowed me down a bit but I was still moving pretty quick. The pullups started to wear on my arms a bit and I started to feel the heartrate jumping during the squat cleans. I finished round 4 with exactly 5 minutes gone and I knew I wouldn’t be able to match the pace to the end because of my fast start. In my head the goal was set at 7 and I nearly made it. 6 rounds plus the cleans, pullups and 20 double unders, just 4 shy of the full shebang. All in all a great series of tests that left me feeling pretty whipped. Looking forward to seeing what the guys can do this weekend—I expect a few to be up around 8 rounds.
After a hell of an evening with Jay’s family and a few from the CFSS crew out to dinner, we made it back in today before I had to catch my bus back to DC. Due to an injury, Jason’s been off heavy lifting for the past 4 months or so, leaving him itching to get back in the game. Last night was a huge bang for him, getting good numbers on snatch and clean without any pain. Today we went for it even more. Deadlifts to 455 for each of us (PR for me), and strict presses to 185. Came away feeling really positive about the gains I’ve made the past 6 months and the process of his recovery. Hell of a morning.
I want to issue a couple of huge thank you’s, first to Doug and Tara for being so welcoming and for running such a badass gym. Great atmosphere, great community, and very motivational. Congratulations on the new spot as well, can’t wait to check it out next time I’m in town. Second, to the Mulligan family/army. Top notch hospitality and so much fun to be around. I hope they will take the show on a west coast tour and let me return their generosity in kind.
Textbook form in that clean pic.
ReplyDeleteAlmost 7 rounds is awesome!