Saturday, January 22, 2011

Steelfit Challenge Winner

After a lot of pullups and nearly 300 votes, the winner of the contest is Andrew from Virginia Beach!!! Congratulations to Andrew and his now semi-famous belt for an awesome workout and an even better show of support from his fans. He ended up winning with 63% of the vote. Anna and Christina from Sacramento finished with 34% and Tate in Southern California with 3%. Hell of a showing and I know for a fact the Steelfit guys were impressed.
Andrew, get me your mailing address and your new pullup system will be on its way. Here is the winning video one more time...


  1. Steelfit wants to add our congrats to Andrew and all of the contestants. Clearly, there are many out there that share our passion for pull ups; very nice effort. To all, keep up the great work in pursuit of the perfect pullup.
